Dear Abiding Sisters,
It’s a new week, a fresh start. And I thought about throwing out a few simple ideas, that I hope encourage you in some way.
What if….
What if our own sin bothered us as much as the stranger on the internet with a different opinion than ours?
What if we spent as much time praying to the Lord about the troubling things of this world as we do discussing them on the internet?
What if we spent as much time meditating on the Scriptures as we did scrolling our phones.
How different would our lives be?
How much more at peace would we be?
How much more of a blessing would we be to those around us?
Just some food for thought. Don’t worry, I’ll be chewing on it too. I think these are things worth considering and putting into action especially in this generation of distraction.
I’m not saying we can’t use the internet (obviously, we’re using it now), or even that we can’t be dismayed at the wicked things we see. We can discuss concerning things and seek to raise awareness and combat the lies, but how much time and energy are we spending on that compared to the time and effort we spend on the One we are commanded to love with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength? We should be loving Him more than fighting an online battle.
Many Christians today are struggling with anxiety and depression, and I can’t help but wonder if this common imbalance has something to do with it. Have the internet wars become a snare for many Christians? Satan would certainly rather us be arguing over theology, politics, and everything else than to be diligently seeking to commune with and learn more of Jesus Christ through His Word and prayer.
If this has been a struggle, you’re not alone, I’m here too. And I’m praying by the Spirit to overcome.
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
By God’s grace, and for His glory.
Blessings on your week sisters! Don’t get distracted, keep your heart and mind steadily on the Lord!
Seeking to Abide in Christ More and More,
This has blessed me. Indeed so many things will fight for our attention but we should quickly examine our lives and go back to the right order of things; God, husband, children, home.
I have heard it said often that (may not be the actual words;) "If the enemy won't have you sin, he will make you busy and distracted."
I just found your blog. I'm looking forward to reading and practicing what you are sharing.